Sunday, 18 May 2008

All that God intends

I'm studying for my PTC exam on Ephesians at the moment and came across this line from the Moore college correspondence course book:

To have the indwelling of Christ in our lives and to comprehend and experience his love for us means we have all the God intends us to have. (Paul's letter to the Ephesians, page 50)

The context is the end of chapter 3 of Ephesians.

I'm just not comfortable with the phrase all that God intends for us. I believe that God wants those things for us, but I am not sure that is the sum total of His intention for us.

Also in 3:20 it says that God "is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think." It seems strange to sum up all that God intents for us when He is able to do more than we ask or think...

What do you think?

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  1. "To have the indwelling of Christ in our lives and to comprehend and experience his love for us means we have all the God intends us to have."

    I would say this is the base line, this is what God guarantees to all His followers, but don't be surprised by what else He does

  2. Hi anonymous,

    I'm only just studying this, so I by no means have an right answers; but yeah I agree with what your saying.

    Having thought about this a little more the idea of experiencing God's love for us, isn't a one off thing but can be shown to us in so many different ways, that this could well be the rest of the believers life.
