So 2014 is now here. Last January I looked back on the previous year and gave myself a credit for that previous year of blogging. The score I gave was purely based on quantity and not quality. When looking back over 2013 it seems I posted one less time than 2012, but this year I am not going to give myself a score (I am too scared to consider what it would be if you factor in quality). I will still continue to blog this year, but my previous goal of posting something every week hasn't really happened since 2010, so I not going to even put that pressure on my this year. Still, I am doing better than one post every fortnight.
Last year I started a series on Why I am Complementarian. I did learn that if you post on gender roles, by that evening you will have about 100 hits, regardless of what you actually say. I still have a few more posts I would like to get out about that and then perhaps I will then move on to why I am a Calvinist and an Amillennialist, something I thought I would have finished by now. The Complementarian series last year got interrupted by a chapter-by-chapter review of The Once and Future Scriptures because a mate of mine in Brisbane wanted to know my thoughts on that book. So this year I'm hoping that I will again score another free book to make it three in a row :)
I am currently three book reviews behind, and I have already stocked up on a few more books for the year (see pic). I have already finished C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists, and it was gold - worth twice the price.
Even though I was working full time and studying part time, I found some time (I wasn't leading Bible studies this year) and started to make some android apps. I didn't really want this blog to be about my apps, so I made another website for that. That site also has some of my essays from uni and some social media photos. This new hobby of mine is my excuse as to why things slowed down on this site in the last half of 2013. I also joined photography group, Cartel Imagery, on Facebook and was trying to push out a photo once a week for them, but that sadly I have become slack.
By far my most popular post for 2013 was my review of Multiply, but I think that has more to do with the fact that I put a link to it in my multiply app. My first post on The Once and Future Scriptures got a bit of interest along with my thoughts on a common (popular) atheistic argument. Still, comments are low on my blog and do not indicate page hits very well at all.
I really don't know where things will eventually go in 2014, but, with my last year of studies on the table; working full time; making android apps (I have a new one out soon for these guys) and our second child is coming in February, my guess is that this blog may get pushed to the wayside a little when things get busy. My primary audience really for this blog is myself. Writing things down helps me think and remember them. As a by product it is also a good medium for recommend books to people.
So thanks for reading my stuff in 2013. Really. There is just about anything on the Internet for you to be looking and you decided to read my stuff. I am grateful.
Related links
Still blogging - Blog recap for 2012
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The time had come again for my apps to get updated to the latest minimal
standard (targetSDK 34). While I was updating these libraries, I found an
5 months ago
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