Saturday, 3 November 2007

The Internet - A Melting Pot of Ideas

This morning just checking my RSS reader I received the following four article in the same order.

John Piper says that men who allow women in the army are cowards:

A man who endorses women in combat is not pro-woman; he’s a wimp. He should be ashamed. For most of history, in most cultures, he would have been utterly scorned as a coward to promote such an idea...

...Men aren’t hard-wired to follow women, period. They are hard-wired to get in front of their women—between them and the bullets. They are hard-wired to lead their women out of danger and into safety. And women, at their deepest and most honest selves, give profound assent to this noble impulse in good men...

What cowardly men do we thank for this collapse of chivalry?...

Al Mohler argues against an LA Times writer who suggest we should accept polytheism:

The Greek gods were dialogical deities, respecting diverse viewpoints, she argues. Of course, they were also often inebriated and caught in less than admirable situations and behaviors. This doesn't bother Lefkowitz, since they were also feminists who "recognized female deities." That evidently excuses otherwise distasteful behavior among the Greek gods...

...In her essay, Lefkowitz offers other arguments for adopting a polytheistic set of beliefs, though she never actually confesses to believe in any God or gods. She does argue that ancient polytheism "gives an account of the world that in many respects is more plausible than that offered by the monotheistic traditions...

The important point here is that this is not a new development. It has always been so. Nevertheless, this is the very center of biblical Christianity. The Bible straightforwardly claims that there is only one God. This has never been popular or politically correct. Just ask Elijah.

Scott Adams then argues that we (or America) should become Muslims:

...if we are rational, we should all become moderate, peace-loving Muslims. Our happiness would stay the same, and Osama wouldn’t have as much reason to nuke us.

...if 300 million Americans become Islamic, he’s not going to want us in the group because we’d be too influential with our relatively moderate ways. We’d be unsuitable as either an enemy or an ally. His best strategy would be to ignore us.

Becoming a Hindu won’t make you safer from terrorism. Becoming a Buddhist won’t help. The only religion that will make you safer is Islam...

And then finally after reading these views I received this article. Its a must see.

Ahh the Internet, what ideas can't it provide on a Saturday morning?

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