Saturday, 10 November 2007

Answering 10 Questions part 2

(this is a continuation from my last post)

Question #6: Why do bad things happen to good people?
If you are discerning, you will see that this question is a bit like question 3, in that it assume that there are good people somewhere out there that God owes them something.

Question #7: Why didn't any of Jesus' miracles in the Bible leave behind any evidence?
If you are a smart person you will know that wine, bread, fish and people do not last 2000 years. This of cause doesn't mean there isn't any evidence. We have historical writings from people who were pro-Jesus which you can read about in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but also we have writings from people who were anti-Jesus. Josephus said Jesus was a doer of startling deeds and in the Talmud it says that Jesus practice sorcery. Even people who were not fans of Jesus didn't deny that he did miracles.

Question #8: How do we explain the fact that Jesus has never appeared to you?
Just because Jesus never physically appeared to me, doesn't mean he doesn't exist. We have enough historical evidence to trust Him. Besides the bible said Jesus will come back. In the Book of Revelations it describes Jesus (and of cause if your a smart person you will know that this is apocalyptic writing and shouldn't be taken too literal), it says that Jesus will be on a white horse and His robe will be dipped in blood and he will be leading an army to strike down all the nations with a sharp sword that comes from His mouth. That is when Jesus will appear not just to people who believe in Him, but to everyone.

Question #9: Why would Jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood?
If your an intelligent person you would know what a metaphor is. One time Jesus declared himself to be a door and another time a vine. We do not then assume Jesus was a talking bit of foliage that allowed people to enter a room. This goes back to your basic English class about understanding metaphors. A smart person will also look into the Jewish Passover Meal to better grasp the context of what Jesus was doing.

And finally, Question #10: Why do Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians?
Just because something happens doesn't mean that is right. This does show that Christians are just like everyone else, that is, they need help in their relationships as much as anyone. Christians still have problems and struggles in their lives. Christians aren't perfect or innocent they are just forgiven by God because of Jesus.

All these questions come form a surface level understanding of the bible and God. The questions grasp God's love for people, but not His holiness. The questions don't quite grasp human nature. If you are an intelligent person you will not over emphasise one aspect of a book over another; you should balance it out within the context of its literally style, time in history it was written and its purpose or audience it had in mind.

Now, let me ask you: Why does it matter if you don't understand the bible?

It matters because you do not get a full understanding of God and His justice, holiness or grace.
It matters because you do not get a full understanding of human nature.
It matters because you come across as not understanding the topic you are addressing.
It matters because you come across calling 75% of doctors who believe in miracles and who know how to think critically delusional. If 75% of them believe in miracles, what exactly does your "average smart person" look like? How do you account for atheism being in such a minority throughout history? It seems that a belief in God is in fact common sense.

After preparing most of this, I looked on youTube and found these clips, that may very well answer these questions better than me.

This guy has made a video response and a whole website responding to the God Is Imaginary site.

This guy has some piecing and uses big words.

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