Thursday, 7 May 2020

A few short clips I made last month

When all this social isolation stuff kicked it, it meant we had to do our Youth Group virtually. This meant moving things online and one of the things we did was make a YoutTube channel. On that, as some extra content, not tied to any of our programs, I posted some thoughts on our collective situation, trying to be under 5 minutes. 

Below are the videos I made, the transcripts are in the descriptions of the videos. Also, you can tell that I was playing around with sound, lighting, and teleprompters as the quality or look of the videos change from week to week.

This was my first video, and I thought it important to get our definitions of the church clear, so we don't think the "new normal" is what we should be doing in the future once this has passed. Some people will want live streaming to continue, this will need some careful thought about what we think what church is and catering to consumers and convenience without community. 

This was a bit of a response to the general tone and assumptions to the media. I thought it showed that we saw our health and wealth as idols and when this is threatened (or taken away in death) what is there left?

The media was telling us non-stop how deadly this virus was, but it struck me there was something worst out there and it was getting no air time from the media. This is a little strange, as you would think if there was something wost than a pandemic out there, constantly all the time, we would hear about it, but sadly only the church is talking about.

This mostly was an offer for me to run a previous workshop I have run at church about giving your testimony. All of the material I took from Sam Chan, which is in Evangelism in a Skeptical World. What I said is close to what I wrote six years ago on this blog.

This was trying to answer the question if this virus was a judgement of God on us because we had done something wrong. This idea I took from John Piper many years ago and is really one of his standard responses to any disaster. Piper to be fair just stole it from Jesus from Luke 13. It also is a push back to all those nuts that think their nation is something special in Gods historic plans so is specifically judging them because of same-sex marriage or some other contemporary issue.


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