In about two hours I read the short book The Prodigal God (Tim Keller) and then I started on to Crazy Love (Fransis Chan). The end of Crazy Love was to motivate the reader to go out and do things, so I felt the best transition was to move to reading Just Do Something (Kevin DeYoung).
While we made a trip in to Coffs we found a general book store and where I found Losing My Religion (Tom Frame). Since I am attending the theological college Tom Frame is head of I thought I should at least read something of his. I was impressed, that I was able to finish this book before the holiday ended and by the over all content of it. I am glad that I dumped the $32 on it and am not annoyed at missing out on reading the last book I brought down with me (Counterfeit Gods - Tim Keller).
So over the next few weeks (once I post my comments on the All About Jesus sermon series I listened to), these book reviews should hopefully appear on this blog and kick off some content for 2010.
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