Monday, 16 July 2007


God's Debris continues to describe evolution and how it fits into the framework of it's definition of God.

...a creature’s DNA experiences a tiny variation because two bits of God-dust tried to reappear in the same location and had to make an adjustment. That adjustment set in motion a chain reaction of probabilities that affected the fate of the creature. (page 72)

This just adds another layer to the idea of evolution by saying how the chance of the mutation occurs. I still am having trouble with the idea that probability is a guiding force behind all things. In a book that I just started reading it says:

But chance is no thing. It has no weight, no measurements, no power. It is merely a word we used to describe mathematical possibilities. It can do nothing. It can do nothing because it is nothing. To say that the universe was created by chance is to say that it came from nothing.

That is intellectual madness.... (page 11)

The chapter raise some so called problems with evolution, but I don't think it correctly describes the evolutionist argument:

And why does evolution seem to move in one direction, from simpler to more complex? Why aren’t there any higher life forms evolving into simpler, hardier creatures? If mutations happen randomly, you would expect evolution to work in both directions....

And how does the first member of a new species find someone to breed with? Being a new species means you can no longer breed with the members of your parents’ species.... (page 70)

I think evolutionist would argue that mutations do happen the other way. Take cancer; that doesn't help the life form that has it. In fact, I think you may be hard pressed to find a mutation that actually does help the life form (although a link form wiki says most are neutral).

I think also an evolutionist would argue that the mutations are so small and in such a small degree that it can find a mate to spread it's new DNA. Or using the argument of "enough time" it may be possible for two of the same mutations could occur at the same time due to environmental factors.

Either way this chapter didn't convince me of evolution nor do I think this chapter adequately explained it. Instead this chapter added another layer of complexity of god dust to it, while the chapter before this one ended by praising simple and convenient answers.


  1. Digg linked to this video, at the moment it has 473 diggs. It is 100 reasons why evolution is stupid. It goes for 1h55mins, which I don't really have to watch a clip off the net, but maybe you do...

    The same guy was also in a "science" debate with Ali G, around the 2:20 mark they talk a bit about Evolution...

  2. Evolutionists wouldn't argue that cancer is a move towards a simpler hardier species. Cancer cells cannot 'replicate' themselves once the host dies so they're exactly what they are: diseased out of control cells. But not new species.

  3. Hey longhornxtreme,

    Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and to make a comment (and perhaps a correction).

    I thought that if your parents had cancer you may also be at risk of also getting cancer. I then assume that the same cancer traits that your parents have are also passed down to you and you pass onto your children... (

    Either way, God's Debris may not be the right place to be looking for the theory of evolution.
